A: Firstly, thank you for helping us spread the torrents. You have to install a free torrent client - recommended: μTorrent,
then you simply have to add our torrents RSS feed so that as soon as new torrents are released, your μTorrent client will automatically download and seed them.
To do this, use the function "Add RSS Feed" from μTorrent's File Menu and enter the following Feed URL: https://eztv.ninjaproxy1.com/ezrss.xml and be sure to tick the "Automatically download all items published in the feed" option.
You need to make sure that you select a download directory with enough free space from the μTorrent's Preferances pane.
Please keep the μTorrent client running as long as possible. If you can seed 24/24 it would help EZTV a lot.
A: eztv caps no shows, it is a distribution group only. The shows are capped by other
release groups over whom eztv has no control (or communication).
Q: Why don't you distribute my favourite show... I know it was capped!
A: Sometimes there simply aren't enough seeds to go around to distribute all of
the releases for the day. Priorities have to be made, and it's a shame
your show was relegated. eztv will usually try to find a less busy time to
seed the file over the next couple of days, so please be patient.
Q: Why do some episodes from a series get distributed, but not all?
A: Once again, eztv caps no shows, it is a distribution group only. The shows
are capped by other release groups over whom eztv has no control (or
communication). Sometimes the release groups capture some episodes and not
others, there is nothing eztv can do about that.
Q: Can I request a show?
A: As has been written above, eztv in many cases has little control over what
is distributed. However, it doesn't hurt for people to express interest in
shows. You are welcome to post on the forum how much you enjoy a show, and
that you hope eztv will be able to distribute it in the future. But keep in
mind that whining, whinging and complaining about a show not appearing will
probably have the opposite effect! A special thread (sticky) has been created
in the forum to cater for show requests, inquires, information etc... please
use this thread, any stray posts that belong in this thread will be deleted.
Q: What about older shows?
A: The networks keep eztv pretty busy with new stuff - it will be rare to see
older shows seeded, unless it is a superior version (for example taken from an
HDTV release or in Widescreen).
The Torrents
Q: Why do you have two copies of a show on the site?
A: One of the shows is probably a REPACK, or a PROPER. These are released when
the first release had a flaw. Usually you will find the reason for the flaw in
the forum posts for those torrents.
Q: The file I downloaded is bad, why haven't you released a PROPER version?
A: One of two reasons. Either the release groups have not released a PROPER
version, or eztv has declined to release it. eztv endeavours to release propers
when the original file has a significant problem, but if a proper is for a
technicality or a very minor glitch (such as 5 seconds of commercials left in)
then it may be decided the bandwidth is more valuable elsewhere.
Q: I don't like torrents, can't I just download straight from your site or
A: No. eztv is purely a torrent distribution group, and devotes all available
bandwidth to that means of distribution.
Q: Why is the torrent so slow?
A: There are hundreds of possible answers here. A few of the most likely are:
i) The torrent is old, and there are few seeders left, slowing things down.
ii) The torrent is brand new, and there are ten or twenty people downloading
for each seed. Bandwidth will be stretched until more people complete their
iii) You are running too many torrents. Torrents reward you for sharing -
if a peer receives a lot of data from you, it will 'reward' you by sending you
more data. So the more you upload the faster you will download. Spreading
your upload too thin can reduce your download speeds. This is especially true
early in the life of a torrent.
iv) You are using a firewall/router and the port your torrent client is listening on
cannot be accessed. You need to setup firewall exemptions and/or port
fowarding to resolve this issue and greatly increase your download speeds.
v) You are using Win XP and have not applied the http://www.lvllord.de patch
Q: Who are VTV, and why do some of your torrents have their name as well?
A: VTV is another TV torrent distribution group with which eztv sometimes
cooperates to maximise bandwidth and prolong torrent life. This will usually
happen on less popular shows which may not be able to support two separate
Q: I love eztv! What can I do to help?
A: Thanks, eztv loves you too. The best way to help is to seed. If you have a
5mbit upload or better, contact an op and ask about becoming a seed! If not,
once you finish your download, just leave it in your client for as long as you
can to help other people get the file, and keep the torrent alive. eztv is
very proud of how long the downloaders keep the torrents alive for, and would
like to thank all those who keep files seeded many months after the initial
The Files
Q: I capped something myself - how do I get eztv to distribute it?
A: eztv distributes only releases by well known groups - this is a decision made
in order to minimise the doubling up of torrents and wasted bandwidth. Exceptions
are rare, but if you have a good reason then you should request to talk to an Op
in our IRC channel.
Q: I downloaded a file labelled as [eztv], but I had problems with it. Why?
A: Most likely you downloaded a fake file from mininova. Unfortunately there
are idiots out there who make fake torrents and put the eztv name on them. We
strongly recommend only downloading eztv torrents which are linked from the
site or IRC channel. All torrents uploaded to mininova will be added by the
EZTV user.
Q: How about movies, games, warez, ebooks... will you release those? Where can
I get them?
A: eztv is strictly a distribution group for current television. eztv has no
interest in getting involved with the other types of media, and you should
look elsewhere for such releases. We also ask that you not look for guidance
to these releases in the IRC channel or forum - the most likely you response
you will receive is "Go and buy it".
Occasionally eztv may seed a non-tv release if it is deemed of particular interest.
But this is to be considered a rarity and purely at the discretion of the admins.
Artistic Contribution
Q: I designed some cool picture and banner for the shows, can I submit them to EZTV?
A: Yes you can. Follow the below instructions:
Main picture size : 357 x 300 pixels
Banner size : 830 x 135 pixels
Max. File Size: 150k